7/32″ carbide cutter


LARGE 7/32″ carbide cutter for 3/8″ Standard chains (not Low Profile and not Stihl Brand chains).

Sold individually. All sizes have 1/4″ shaft and are interchangeable with tool. Last a minimum of 40+ sharpenings

SKU: SKU-695 Category:


Made of tungsten carbide. Designed specifically for the Timberline Chainsaw Sharpener. 6 diameter sizes are used to properly fit different sizes of chain, but all have the same diameter shaft to make them interchangeable with the one sharpener unit.

Sizing– Determined by chain pitch. Typically labeled on the chain saw bar near the motor. This number will be .404, 3/8, .325, 3/8p, or 1/4.  If you have a 3/8 check if it is a large or small version.

  • .404″ pitch chain                                                             =  Large  7/32″  
  • 3/8″   pitch chain                                                             =  Large  7/32″  
  • “Stihl” Brand 3/8″  pitch chain                                         =  Large/Medium  13/64″
  • .325″ pitch chain                                                             =  Medium  3/16″
  • 3/8″ P or Picco, low profile                                              =  Small  5/32″
  • 1/4″ pitch chain                                                               =  Extra Small 1/8″


7/32″   =  5.5 mm
13/64″ =  5.2 mm
3/16″   =  4.8 mm
5/32″   =  4.0 mm
1/8″     =  3.2 mm


Ask any machinist and they will tell you tungsten carbide is extremely tough and durable and will outlast any hardened steel file period. Because of its durability it is difficult to claim an exact lifespan. However, much testing and customer feedback allows us to confidently claim a minimum of 40+ sharpenings. Users may very well exceed 100+ sharpenings with careful use by not binding the carbide cutter and always spinning clockwise.

It is recommended to sharpen the chain often instead of waiting until it is extremely dull. This will make sharpening even faster with a quick touch up while reducing wear on both the carbide cutter and the chain itself.